Well it’s been a while since i got around to writing my Olaf notes in the computer but today I finally did it! I had a great time photo shooting him in the short period of time we had snow in Atlanta! It was really fun placing him by the sister princesses and sometimes when I stepped away to check out different filming options I looked at them and they were small and cute and it looked like a real scene. I got lost for a few seconds in a fantasy and that felt wonderful! I hope that you’ll like him and have fun with placing his body parts in different funny positions! 🙂 You can grab him here on Etsy.

Olaf Snowman Frozen Amigurumi Doll Crochet Pattern by Sahrit

Olaf Snowman Frozen Amigurumi Doll Crochet Pattern by Sahrit

Olaf Elsa Anna Snowman Frozen Amigurumi Doll Crochet Pattern by Sahrit

Olaf Snowman Frozen Amigurumi Doll Crochet Pattern by SahritOlaf Snowman Frozen Amigurumi Doll Crochet Pattern by Sahrit/>


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